This is a website which helps college students by reducing the communication gap between seniors and juniors in a college. Basically, students joining college have lot of doubts regarding their future, they need career guidance,etc. But they hesitate to communicate with the seniors. Even if they interact with seniors, seniors don't get sufficient time to address everyone's doubts, because there could be so many queries and they can be repeated as well which creates frustation for them. So, this website brings everyone together and forms different groups for different batches implicitly. A candidate is provided with some "reputation points" using which he can ask questions. Every question costs him some points. The post floats in the group of same batch students. If it gets sufficient likes(a thresold value will be provided), it will be transfered into the seniors groups. In this way, the questions get filtered and seniors get to see only the geniune and important queries. Now, coming on to the question why should a senior resolve any doubt, because every "like" on his answer gives him a "reputation point" which he can further utilise to ask doubts from his seniors and the better the answer is, the more likes he gets. So its a win win situation for both. Moreover, students get the opportunity to directly interact with seniors given he has gained some high reputation points.Live chatting feature is enabled through web sockets